Francium Price: Is This The End Or The Beginning?

Francium Price: Is This The End Or The Beginning?

Francium: The Most Expensive, Elusive Natural Element

Sep 1, 2022 · according to scientists, francium price is $1 billion per gram. However, this is a theoretical estimate of the price since this amount has never been produced. Calculate cost per different volumes and weights of francium. Materials, substances and compounds price conversions and cost calculator. Since one gramme of francium has never been observed, the billion per gramme is purely.

Dec 25, 2020 · what is francium cost? If you were to somehow amass a gram of francium the cost is estimated to be around $1 billion. Named for its discovery within a university of. Feb 16, 2024 · despite its high radioactivity and associated dangers, it has a soaring price of minimum of $4,000 per gram. Being a rare earth metal, this is heavily priced. Francium is the most expensive natural element in the world. Its extreme rarity and instability make it very difficult to produce and isolate, which drives up its price.

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